

At any and every age we wrestle with being true to what we claim our values to be and struggle with acting on what we believe is right. Like many noble traits, integrity is admired in other people but desperately difficult to fight for and maintain firsthand.

Brené Brown’s definition of integrity struck me during her recent Chase Jarvis LIVE interview, Bravery & Authenticity in a Digital World.  Rooted in research, the truths Brené has discovered deconstruct and define human tendencies in such an intimate way. The research has revealed the good along with the bad, producing game-changing emotional and relational life hacks. Though these tactics are rarely, if ever, quick and easy, they are solid and have changed my entire perspective on social interactions and personal reflection.

For a starting point that is sure to reel you in to finding out more, please watch her viral TED Talk, The Power of Vulnerability. Hungry for more myself, I just ordered her newest book, Rising Strong. Click here to check out more of her books.

Through the lens of integrity, how will we look at our intentions and actions differently?  How will we work to set good examples of people who value bravery, authenticity, and integrity?